Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jasmine Update

Another update. Looking a lot better. Will still need to fix a few things, but overall I'm really liking how she's turning out.

I still need to add a scarf and a background. Still not sure about the scarf, but the background will be the next part.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Progress on Jasmine.

Update...I'm sure I'll find horrible things I've done and need to fix tomorrow...lol.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jasmine WIP

This is just a WIP. Not the full image either, but here ya go. It still needs a whole lot of work, but I'm liking it. It'll be a gift for my sister-in-law since she's such a huge fan of Jasmine. :D

Friday, November 23, 2012


Yes, yes...I know I'm supposed to be animating...but I needed another break, so I did a quick sketch for a demon character. I used an older image for the bases, and tweaked and added to it.

Dunno what the colors will be yet, maybe a super pale blue and some light reds etched into her skin. Welp, now I really have to get back to animating.

10:01...Need a break...

Definitely needed a small break. Had a yummy egg and ham sandwich that my love had kindly made for me with some jasmine tea. Need the caffeine to stay awake.

Still working hard to get all my roughs done by tomorrow morning, then I'll be working on cleaning up my roughs. Next week will be colors and post production...need more time.

Trying to do my homework...due in 2 weeks!

Not doing a very good job...just having to power through it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


A study. I haven't posted anything in a really long time. So enjoy!